FAU Softball

FAU softball: Owls season ends with late inning collapse against FGCU in round 2 of NCAA Regional

FAU Softball (41-16) lost a tough one Saturday evening 3-2 to FGCU (38-20), which brought an end to their 2024 campaign. The Owls were able to grab a 1-0 lead early in this ballgame and held that lead deep into the 6th inning, however a late FGCU rally was too much to overcome in this one for FAU, and with that brought an end to the Owls NCAA regional run after just 2 games.

Although the Owls lost both of their regional games, that fight club mentality that followed them throughout the year was what almost brought them back in these games, and that’s one of things FAU coach Jordan Clark could hang her hat on about this season, speaking on it after the game.

“The one thing I will forever be really proud about this team is the fight that they had. Who we were in the first inning and what we are in the last inning is what made us who we are this year, and I hate that I don’t get to coach this team another game, especially this one sitting right next to me (Kam Jackson) because she’s pretty special and I will forever be grateful for this group. As a second-year head coach, they exceeded a lot of people’s expectations, for our transfers for choosing us and our vision, and for that vision coming true in just 2 years is really special and I’m just really proud of them. I’m sad because we had it on our fingertips and it’s not fun losing to an in-state foe and going 2 games and out is not who we are, but to lose both games by 1 run gives us something to be motivated and hungry for next year,”

After getting their lead-off base runner taken away yesterday, FAU was not letting any first inning opportunities get taken away today, as with 2 outs Kam Jackson laced a double off the first baseman’s glove down the right field line for a double, and 1 batter later Jesiana Mora scored her on a bloop single that fell in front of the right fielder. That put the Owls up 1-0, which was a lead that held for a long while in this game, and getting the offense going early was something Kam Jackson mentioned after the game as something she feels makes the team better.

“I think our teams best when we score early in the game. Just passing the bat was what we were focused on, we didn’t do a great job yesterday on it, we were just focused on sitting change and passing the bat,” Jackson said.

After that first inning, another NCAA regional pitching duel commenced, as Trinity Schlotterbeck was dealing, striking out 4 of the first 7 batters she faced and through 4 innings she had 6 K’s and only allowed 2 balls to even leave the infield, 1 a single up the middle, and the other a flyball out.

Alongside her however Angelina Bonilla settled in, as following the first inning she began mowing down Owls, retiring 12 out of the next 13 batters she faced, stranding the lone single she allowed in the 4th. Bonilla was able to get the Owls off-balance and out of their normal rhythm and after the game Jackson gave her thoughts on how that happened.

“Getting a soft balance. Jordan talks to us a lot about being 1 foot in, 1 foot out and she had a screwball and a changeup, and we weren’t committed to one pitch, and it got people off balance,” Jackson said.

In the 6th FGCU was finally able to break through, as Viancos reached on a bunt, stole second, and 2 batters later Peterson scored her up the middle, tying the game at 1 and for the first time all game, the tables were turned on the Owls.

After FAU was unable to respond in the bottom of the 6th, the Owls were seemingly setting up to make a run at it in the bottom of the 7th as Schlotterbeck quickly set down the first 2 batters in the top of the inning, however things changed quickly. With 2 outs, Olivia Black worked a walk, Wylie reached on an infield single and that set-up FGCU for their lead-off hitter Viancos with 2 on and 2 out. With the outfield playing up, she delivered, sending a 2-run triple deep into left field, giving FGCU a 3-1 lead, and leaving the Owls reeling.

FGCU was able to manufacture runs with small ball in this one, and after the game that is something Coach Clark talked about as being a major part of FGCUs game, and something that got to the Owls today.

“What a game for Trin, 7 strikeouts, she had command of all of her pitches throughout the game. I’m going to be honest; I think the bunt coverage flustered everyone including her. When you’re doing your job and they’re not beating you by putting balls to the fence, but when they finally did get that big hit, everybody was like ‘woah’ and she did everything and more that we needed her to do, and we just didn’t have her back offensively. Ainsley is someone that will close it for us and I felt like Trinity had full control of the entire game and it’s just unfortunate a couple bunts, a walk and it feels like a different ball game. We knew with that team they were going to bunt, and they were going to steal, and they beat us at their game,” Clark said.

In the bottom of the 7th, the Owls brought their fight as Jesiana Mora led off with a single, and after a fielder’s choice brought up 1 out, Schlotterbeck hit a single in the 3rd base hole which was bobbled and thrown into the outfield, and it allowed the pinch runner Abby Ota to advance from 1st to 3rd. The next batter Becca Jones skied a flyball to center, which scored Ota and made it 3-2 with now 2 down, the next batter Zoey Jones singled up the middle which moved the pinch runner Kildow to 3rd and set up Cameryn Orland against closer Alex Sparkman with 1st and 3rd and 2 out. Orland almost snuck a ball up the middle, but it was snagged by the shortstop who dove on second and ended the game.

Going 2 and out in their NCAA regional was not the ideal way to end the season for Coach Clark and Co. however, this is just the beginning of the New Era of FAU softball. 41 wins and a NCAA tournament appearance is just the precipice of what’s to come for this Owls team, who is currently expecting 8 incoming freshman who will be looking to build on the success of this year’s squad. The experience that this group got from competing in the regional is invaluable, and although the Owls lost both games, these situations are ones Coach Clark believes her team will look back on next season.

“I told the group out there, that’s the new expectation for FAU softball. Don’t make summer vacation plans, and beach trips, we’re gonna be in the postseason and it’s going to be the new norm. This year you got to get your feet wet a little bit, you got to be here, and I think at times we were happy to be here. I looked at Cam Orland and said you’re going to have the bat in your hands this time next year and you’re going to remember what this year felt like and to be able to just get that experience this year is huge for our team. This group has put FAU on the map, and when a recruit commits here now, you’re not trying to sell them on a vision, it’s ‘hey we’re winning championships and going to postseason’ that’s the thing I think that I’m most proud of, and I think that our group knows it and feels it, they know that our staff is super competitive, they know that they’re going to be challenged, and we’re going to be better than we were this year. I’m just excited to see how we respond in the offseason,” Coach Clark said.

That concludes the 2024 FAU softball campaign and although this season ends in gloomy fashion, the sun is always shining in paradise, and about the only thing that shines brighter is the future of FAU softball.