Boone Is The Only Fire The 2023 Yankees Have

By AJ Johnson

It’s been one long nightmare of a year for the New York Yankees and manager Aaron Boone. According to the standings, they haven’t looked this bad this late in the season since September 1995.

The dissatisfaction and anger from Yankees’ fans are being heard everywhere.  They’re demanding a change, many changes actually.   They want changes (Jeter) in the front office and they want Aaron Boone gone. The season began with General Manager Brian Cashman signing a four-year  which means that Boone is set up to take the hit.


Has Boone’s run as the Yankees skipper been a success? 

A record of 487-342 and consistent postseason appearances, and two ALCS appearances, is what his resume shows. But NO World Series titles or even appearances under his watch.  

It’s been 14 years since the last World Series title for the Yanks, that’s almost 100 dog years. WIth the team now seeming further away from being a legit World Series contender that any time in the past 3 decades, somebody’s gotta get whacked.  The most likely target is always the manager. 


Horrible trades (Donaldson, Montas, Stanton) by Cashman have set the team back considerably. The Yankees’ inaction at this year’s trade deadline, showed both lack of urgency and lack of a game plan. 

How Would a Managerial Change Look?

The recipe for a championship team has always shown to be a consistent lineup with quality and durable pitching.  The Yankees currently have neither. 

So a managerial change with at the same roster will probably produce even worse results. The culture of this team as it is currently put together is losing, because it is built with losing players with losing resumes. 

The road back to the top is through youth and home grown talent (core 4). It also requires a detailed game plan.  The Yankees do not appear to have either of these things at the moment.  

Everything from the top down needs to be rebuilt. 


Hell, Boone is the only member of this Yankee team with any real fire and passion.